โš’๏ธTowny Resources

Information on Towny Resources


Towny Resources allows Towny mayors and assistants to survey the land around them for daily resource collection. Surveys have special conditions that must be met before completing one, and cannot be rerolled unless a new town is founded. Resources can be claimed once a day, and can be found under the /town (town name) menu for anyone. Towny Resources are also a great way to get started on our custom items. Every item surveyed will be one of our custom items. A combination of these items can be traded in at spawn for unique tools, furniture, enchants, and crops. If your town produced a rare resource, chances are other towns are in need of it. Use these to your advantage and encourage trade between each other!


Helpful Commands

/townyresources survey - surveys the town land for a cost /townyresources towncollect - Collects your town's daily surveyed resources /townyresources nationcollect - Collects the nation's daily surveyed resources

Last updated