All the rules for our server
Chat Rules
Be respectful to others. No racism or homophobia of any kind is allowed. Do not direct threats or insults to others.
Do not instigate fights with other players or staff.
Do not spam chat and do not abuse caps lock.
No religious or political discussions in chat allowed.
If a staff members asks you to drop a topic, please do not continue the discussion.
Do not advertise. If you are looking to advertise another source of content, you must get explicit permission.
Don't argue with senior staff over decisions. If you wish to make an appeal, open a ticket.
Gameplay Rules
Combat logging is not allowed and any efforts to dodge the PvP log will result in a penalty.
Do not join towns for the sole purpose of sabotage and griefing them.
You may take anything from any unlocked chests in the wild.
While PvP and wilderness stealing is allowed, we don't encourage griefing if necessary.
Do not spawn camp and spawn kill. This will be picked up by our PvP Manager and punish you.
Do not grief land around any capture sites
Report all bugs. Any non-reported bug that is being abused will result in a permanent ban.
Minimap mods as long as they are only surface level and not cave. Clients like curse forge, lunar, are also allowed.
No X-Ray, flying, or hacked clients are permitted.
No lag machines, or really large flat mob spawn grinders.
No AFK machines or afk pools.
No alt accounts are allowed. Do not spam accounts to gain benefits.
Do not abuse any donator perks or powers for a PvP advantage.
Last updated
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